By Michael Sito

By Michael Sito

Saturday, March 10, 2018

She Screamed When I Bit Her Ass

She Screamed When I Bit Her Ass

She screamed when I bit her ass.  We had just reached the end of a passionate first session where we were rolling around on the floor of my kitchen.  When she started getting up to go to the bathroom, an urge overcame me, so I grabbed her by the waist, pulled her back down and gave her rear a little bite.  She didn’t like it.

“What the fuck was that?!?”  She yelled turning back at me, and looking sexy as hell. 

“I don’t know, just a post-coital nibble baby.  What’s wrong?  I didn’t draw blood or anything-”

“No biting!”  She said with a mischievous smile holding up her index finger like a schoolmaster disciplining a student.  She then crossed the room with her Venusian dimples swaying up and down and back and forth as she exited. 

“Come on!”  I yelled after her.  “With an ass like that, how can it not get bitten from time-to-time?”  I was serious.  She had an ass that could part the Red Sea if it had to.

I turned onto my back and stared at the ceiling.  What a woman!  I had only just met her a few hours earlier at the bar.  Our conversation flowed like a river after heavy rain with much laughter and there was an immediate attraction between us.  As the clock passed 1am, we casually decided to head back to my place.  If only life could always be so easy.  When we walked into my apartment, we immediately embraced, her tongue thrusting itself down to the tips of my tonsils.  We then fell to the floor, ripping each other’s clothes off along the way.   

As I lay there now, spent, I couldn’t even remember this immaculate angel’s name.  This could undermine the connection, I thought to myself.  I looked around for her purse to get a quick look at her ID.  I spied it at the entryway near the bathroom.  As I started to make my move, I heard the toilet flush.  I wouldn’t be able to get there without a high risk of getting caught and I didn’t want her exiting the bathroom to find me naked rummaging through her purse, so I had to let it go for now.  Who knows, maybe she wouldn’t remember my name either, I hoped.    

“Meet me in the bedroom,” I yelled to her through the bathroom door as I left the oak floor for the comfort of a mattress and blankets.  I also grabbed a couple glasses, an open bottle of Sancerre from the fridge, my smokes and an ashtray.

“Look what you did!”  She said as she came skipping back like a forest nymph toward the bed with her nice little mammaries bouncing around happily.  She then jumped onto the mattress with a little dive roll somersault, turned over and showed me some faint bite marks on her tremendous derriere.  I slapped them, grabbed her and we kissed.  She was a real babe- young, vivacious, full of enthusiasm.  I then handed her a glass of vino, lit a couple smokes and passed her one.  “Cheers,” I said as we clinked our glasses. 

“So, tell me about yourself.  You didn’t give me much background at the bar.”  I asked.

“Oh, you noticed that?”  She said with a little smirk on her face, “I usually try to avoid talking about myself.” 

“I noticed.  Come on, it’s your turn now.”

“Ok, what do you want to know?”  She said and then inhaled the cig blowing the smoke straight up with her lips gently puckered.  If time had stopped forever at this moment, I wouldn’t mind. 

“I don’t know, the usual stuff- what do you do?  Do you have a boyfriend?  What do you think about the Trump presidency?”  I was joking about the latter.

“Hmm,” She paused.  “I’m going to tell you the truth.”

“Please do.  I believe in the truth.”

“Good.  I’m married.”  She said this much more casually than one would expect such news to be given against the current circumstance.  She must have felt the tension building or seen the shock in my eyes, as she then added with some sadness accenting her voice, “I’m married to the wrong guy…and don’t know how to get out of it.  We both know it isn’t working, but cannot seem to face it.  We don’t even have sex anymore.”

“That sucks.  How long has that been going on?”

“Since college.  I think we both knew we were making a mistake when we married, but it just felt like something we should do.  Now, there’s no passion between us at all, just friendship...and obligation.  I love him, but he feels more like my brother than a husband.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.  Sounds rough.”  I refilled her glass and then mine.

“You have no idea.  Let’s not get into it, we’re having a great time now and I don’t want to think about him and ruin this.”

“Ok, sounds good to me.”  It didn’t make sense to push this tragic topic any further.  It was already taking a toll on both of our moods. 

“As for work, I’m a lawyer, which is good,” she continued, “I’m doing well and it keeps me busy.  You know what’s funny?  As the marriage continues to fail, I usually stay in the office later and later and now my career is really moving forward.”

“Ah yes, the old Yin-Yang.  Every negative brings with it a positive as well.”

“I guess.  And as for politics, I’d rather not talk about that disaster right now.”  

We talked for a little while longer and when she finished her glass of wine, she leaned over and kissed me while her hand slide down my chest.  I didn’t think I was ready to go again, but once she started kissing me, the engine immediately began coming back to life.  “You have a great body,” she said as she scooted down under the covers.

“You really are something my dear.”  Was all I could manage to say.

In the morning, I woke up and went to the bathroom, but forgot to check her ID for her name.  When I got back into bed, she awoke.  “Hey beautiful, good morning.”

“What time is it?”  She appeared startled, but even in the morning light she was a complete and total knockout.

“It’s early, not even 7-”

“Fuck I got to go.  I didn’t plan on sleeping here.”

“Well, we barely slept, technically.”  I grabbed her again and started moving in.

“Oh darling, I’d love to, but I can’t.  I really got to go.  My husband’s going to kill me.”

“Really?  Oops.  But, I guess the damage is already done.  Why run out so fast?”

“I’m sorry,” she said while collecting and putting on her clothes, “I can’t believe I fell asleep.”

“It just kind of happened.  I don’t remember falling asleep either.  Anyway, I had a truly amazing time with you- I haven’t connected with someone like this since- I don’t know when.  If you really got to go, maybe we can grab dinner or something this week?”

She stopped.  “Oh…Let’s not complicate this.  We had a beautiful night; there’s no need to make it into something more.  I’m really not emotionally available to have a steady lover right now.”

“What?  You can’t be serious.  After such a night- surely you also feel our connection?”   

“I do, and I’m sorry.  No numbers and-”

“After last night- it would be wrong not to see each other again.”  I interrupted her. 

“Ok, I’ll tell you what.  If we bump into each other again, I’ll give you my number and we’ll go out.  I never give my contact to anyone after the first night, no matter how good of a time we’ve had.”  I didn’t like what I was hearing and it showed.  She added, “Honestly, I had a great time with you.  You’re amazing, but I just like to leave things…to Fate- if it’s meant to be, we’ll meet again.”

“Fate?  Really?  This doesn’t make any sense.”  I was more than disappointed.

“Oh babe, I’m sorry.  I’m married and it’s just the way it is, but since you seem so sincere,” She moved in and gave me a kiss.  I kissed her back and she then grabbed me again.  We went to the circus one last time and then she got dressed and left in a hurry.  That was it.  

After she was gone, I lay there in mild shock and then the inevitable depression came.  “Dames,” I said to myself, “what a joke.  They fuck you, suck you, say you’re great and then hurry back to their uninspiring husbands and lives without even giving you their name.”  I felt like a $25 suit from the Salvation Army- rejected and tired.  I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t.  Images of our night together kept playing through my mind like a projector flashing the best scenes of a great film.  I couldn’t turn it off and after a few minutes, I got up to take a hot shower to wash away her smell and the cheapness I felt from being treated like a piece of meat. 


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