By Michael Sito

By Michael Sito

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Reports of the Libertine’s Demise have been Greatly Exaggerated

I was touched to receive some urgent messages of concern from dedicated readers to make sure that I’m ok and that this blog has not died (thanks Mom and Dad- please relax), so, I decided to post a short update for other readers who may not be as motivated to reach out, but may have concerns about their favorite libertine/blog.  

All is good on my end, the holidays went well and I’m about to head back to India for a few weeks.  That being said, recent life has actually been quite hectic and kept me distracted.  I’ve been to Europe three times over the last four months and when I’ve been back stateside, I’ve had my hands full and that’s what has led to the sporadic posting of the blog of late.

Also, I’ve been re-focusing on getting my novel into shape and one of my New Year’s resolutions is to finish it and then move on to finding a literary agent to give me some professional feedback and hopefully help get the work published.  It’s high time to wrap this one up and move on to the next steps and once that’s done, the next novel.  

Writing a book is not as easy or straightforward as one would think.  I finished my first draft well over a year ago, but after getting some feedback from respected friends and doing some re-writes, I realized that I was too close to what I had just punched out to actually approach the task effectively.  Around that time, a good friend asked me to start guest blogging on his blog (Bruce Elliott: Geriatric Genius) which later turned into this blog and having that creative outlet allowed me to put the novel to the side for the last year or so while I focused on other stories and ideas (among other things). 

Now, after having the novel stew for a while, I’ve managed to find the necessary distance to properly resume the task of what I hope will be the final re-write.  As with everything in this endeavor, it’s quite an interesting and challenging process.  I currently find myself seeing the text with fresh eyes and am able to cut things out of the manuscript that I wouldn’t have touched before.  One has to be a harsh critic at times and if it isn’t pushing the reader to toward the goal, it probably shouldn’t be there no matter how much you like it.  I feel the story is getting much tighter and defined as I start this last edit.  Taking a prolonged step back has allowed me to also find the plot screws that I think will pull the whole thing together.  After my Indian vacation, I plan on hitting the final lap with gusto.  

On the blog, the recent sporadic posts weren’t something I planned, they just kind of happened and I’m sorry about that.  It’s amazing how fast time flows, especially when you break a routine.  When doing anything creative, self discipline is a most treasured trait and one has to always be careful and diligent to maintain it and this was my problem.

Going forward, even with the re-write of the novel happening, I plan to continue regularly posting my thoughts about current events, experiences, stories, ideas and tragedies.  I will also post passages from the novel that I feel can stand on their own, which I have also been doing previously (Sofia and Smoke Pit is just one example of that).  

So for those who have been losing sleep with worry, please do not fret and thank you for your support.  

Cheers and wishing everyone a fantastic and productive New Year-)


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