By Michael Sito

By Michael Sito

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Dream Girl

Dream Girl

“I can’t believe it- we’re so perfect together.”

“You say this every time we meet!”

“What’re you talking about, isn’t this the first time?”

“It’s always the same!  I’m beginning to think this is just a game you’re playing.  How’d you think we’re so familiar with each other? Do you really believe this is our first meeting?”

“What?  I don’t remember meeting you before, but it’s clear that we have a special connection.  I’m so comfortable talking with you.”

Once this discussion started, John Withers was in a different realm of consciousness.  There was no past in his thoughts or any future, just the present- and as he tried to wrap his mind around what the girl was saying, he realized he was lost, confused.

“Where am I right now?”

“You’re where you always are when we meet- in a dream.”  She said this as casually as a leaf falls from a tree on a late fall afternoon.  All the while staring warmly into his eyes. 

“A dream?”

“Of course, this is how it always starts my love.”  The girl said, as her tongue slid across her top lip and she puckered and squinted her eyes.  She was trying to bring him in.  It was working.

“This can’t be a dream.  It doesn’t feel like one.”

“It feels real because this is where you want to be.  Do you still believe we’ve never met before?”

“All I know is that I’m happy just looking at and being with you- here- now.  But if this is only a dream- what does it mean?”

“It means what you want it to mean, what you need it to mean.  Things will unfold the way they’re supposed to.  You’re the owner of this dream, but you own the dream as much as the dream owns you.” 

As she said this, her delicate hand surveyed the room in a sweeping gesture.  John’s eyes followed and, for the first time, he felt that he might actually be dreaming.  Any concept of history or time was hazy.  The only thing he knew for sure was the girl he saw in front of him, the humble room they were in and his racing thoughts.  The girl was really something and he studied everything about her.  He wondered who this exquisite creature was that had somehow commandeered his heart, thoughts, and soul.

“I am your salvation, your escape.  You know this, it’s all within you-” She said as if she were hearing his thoughts just as loud as he was thinking them.  Just looking at her eyes, he knew this angel was telling the truth.

“How long have you known me?”  John asked.

“As long as you have known yourself.”

He turned and walked toward the window, opened the drapes and looked out.  He didn’t recognize the city that sprawled out before him.  It looked old, bombed out…was it Beirut?  Havana?  He was totally lost in place, but completely found in spirit.  That’s when it hit him, “Your name is Sonya, isn’t it?  You’re the…You’re the woman I’ve been searching for, aren’t you?”

“Who else could I be my love?  Yes, my name is Sonya.  Search not just your immediate thoughts, but also your inner core and you’ll realize you know all the answers you’re seeking- they are within you.  You’ve written them yourself for many years now.”  

John stared at Sonya- he did know her; she was as familiar as his own face when he saw it in the mirror.  “What are we supposed to do?”  He asked.

“The days go by and you are far away, but I’m always here and you always come and find me when you need to escape from your other, troubled life, as you’re doing tonight, and as you’ve always done.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  I keep telling you this.  We’ve even tried a few times, but we never succeed and the dream ends.  As always, we can try again or to just enjoy this brief time that we have before you go back.  There is no right or wrong decision to be made here.”

“Go back?  What’re you talking about?  Why would I leave when you’re all that I want?”

“Because you always say that and always go back.  Don’t worry; I’ll still be here for you.  I’m happy to wait for the day when you’ll be ready.”

“Ready?  Ready for what?”

“When you’re ready to take the next step so that we can truly be together.”

“I love you.  I don’t know how this is, but I know it.  My love for you is the only thing I know for sure right now.  I may not recognize what I see when I look out the window, but I know that I’m you and you’re me, and this is how it is meant to be.”  John said this while pacing around the room.

“That is true.  I’ve been waiting a long time for you to realize the future, but there is no hurry.  Time doesn’t exist here.  I just wish you to remember me always and not only when you are here.  Soon it will be time for me to go.”

“Go?  Where?”

“Come.  I will lead you.  You may follow or stay, the choice is yours and yours alone.”  She glided toward the door, her white gown flowing smoothly over the floor, the way a shallow stream envelops a rocky bottom.  She gently took hold of the door handle and turned it.  The door broke its seal and opened onto a small balcony with a railing.  Beyond the railing was a thick, hanging fog too dense to see anything beyond it.  It started falling toward the doorway.  

John looked out the window, and still saw the skyline at sunset without any fog or even a cloud in the sky.  What is this doorway and where is it leading?  He looked back at Sonya.  She still hadn’t crossed the threshold and was looking right at him with her warm eyes.  Something ached inside of him and it intensified as she neared the doorway.  He grabbed her arm just as she started to go out on the balcony.  

“This is where we say goodbye.  This dream is coming to an end.”  She said as put her arms over his shoulders, her left hand caressing the back of his neck, scratching his hairline while kissing him softly.  John closed his eyes and was lost for the duration of her touch.  Minutes, hours, days went by.  When he opened his eyes, she was pulling back, letting him go and moving through the door and into the fog, which now completely covered the balcony and was spilling into the room.

“Goodbye my love, our time is up, for now.  Until next time, you will not leave my thoughts.”  She said and touched his cheek caringly with the back of her hand while moving away.  She was almost immediately lost to the fog. 

John waited, trying to discern an outline of her figure, but there was nothing to see- only the conquering whiteness.  He wanted to follow her, but something held him back.  He couldn’t place it, just a vague command that comes from a place we don’t know, like where morals come from.  John turned back to the room, it was cold and barren now; the fog was building up and reaching the bottom of the windowpanes.   He told himself to follow her.  As he stepped through, he also was immediately being engulfed by the mist. 

“Sonya?” He yelled.

His arms were outstretched hoping to find her, but there was nothing.  Did she disappear back to the vagueness of her origin?  After a few steps, he hit a something.  He couldn’t see anything other than the white.  The barrier came up to his waist.  John leaned over, his hands searching.  He was desperate now.  He yelled her name again and leaned further and his fingertips brushed against something smooth.  It was soft and flowing.  It must be her robe, he thought.  John leaned out to get a hold of it, but only his fingertips could touch it.  He leaned further.


“Hello, is this Mrs. Withers?”

“Ah, yes, who’s this?”

“This is Lieutenant Johnson from the Evanston police department.  I got your hotel contact information from a note that was posted on the refrigerator in your home.  I’m awfully sorry to be calling you so late-”

“Oh my god, what happened!?!?  Is everything okay??”

“There’s been a terrible accident.  We’ve gone through video footage from the security cameras and it appears that your husband was sleepwalking and somehow got out on balcony and fell over the railing.  He seemed to be reaching for something when he lost his balance.  I’m so sorry to have to tell you this, but your husband is dead.”


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