By Michael Sito

By Michael Sito

Thursday, July 26, 2018

U.S. "Nero" Brings Hamlet’s Dilemma to the Modern World

U.S. "Nero" Brings Hamlet’s Dilemma to the Modern World

“Things gained through unjust fraud are never secure.”  Sophocles

I didn’t think I’d write about politics again this week, but the subject remains on my mind.  That’s largely because I’m visiting Kiev and almost every Ukrainian I know is asking me the same questions: “What do Americans think of Trump?” and “What’s going on with Trump and Putin?”  When you consider that Ukraine is still engaged in a prolonged war with Russia, this isn’t surprising.  What is surprising is how hard it is to answer.  Does anyone really know where U.S. policy currently stands or if this Administration will let the Russians off the hook for their illegal annexation of Crimea and occupation of the Donbas region (not to mention tampering with our elections)?

“It’s shocking and depressing, but I have no idea what’s going on,” Is all I can tell them, “I think it’s clear that the Russians have a lot of compromat on Trump, but while our system is supposed to be able to deal with this type of thing, the Republicans in power are refusing to maintain checks and balances on the presidency and my country is failing because of it.”  I usually add, “It’ll all come down to the elections in November, if the Democrats manage to take back the House and the Senate, things will be ok, but if people don’t show up to vote and the Republicans maintain control, I have no idea what’s going to happen, except that it will not be good for the U.S. or world.” 

The responses I’m getting to this sad testimonial are usually silence and disbelief.  I’ve just confirmed their worst fears.  How can this be the America that people have looked to throughout history as a moral bulwark against global tyranny and oppression?  How is it even possible?  Sometimes, they say something along these lines and I can only shrug, as I too am asking these questions as daily political headlines continue to assault my world ideology. 

By a strange twist of fate, my return back to the States after decades living abroad coincided with the 2016 election campaign and Trump’s victory.  I feel how Hamlet must have felt upon his return home.  My state of mind is lost in a mild, but tragic despair.  Something is indeed rotten in the United States, as it was in Denmark for returning prince. 

Hamlet is a good parallel.  When I studied the play, we spent a lot of time learning about Elizabethan society and culture to have a thorough understanding of the tragedy’s backdrop.  We then compared it to ancient Greece to better understand Hamlet’s psychological downfall.  Many similar immoral and unethical acts took place in classical Greek tragedy, but those protagonists never struggled with the angst and despair that possessed Shakespeare’s troubled heroes.  The only significant difference is that Christian thought didn’t exist in classical Greece and as such, neither did the notion of moral guilt.  While it cannot be found anywhere in Greek tragedy, it’s everywhere in Shakespearian tragedy.

Hamlet’s immense struggle to right his world is tied to this notion.  His world ideology collapsed when his uncle murdered his father and married his mother and since he couldn’t rationalize these immoral atrocities, his convictions were lost and his sanity was pushed to its limit.  Christian values are still deeply entrenched in the Western mind.  With the rise of a completely immoral and unethical man to the most powerful political office that symbolized moral rectitude and decency, our ideology is also collapsing.  I believe this is the base source of the angst and confusion so many are experiencing and this has led many Republicans to lose their convictions. 

“Excessive fear is always powerless.” Aeschylus

Republican leaders continue to go along with the President because they cannot properly rationalize what’s happening.  They can only focus on the immediate fear losing power and support from Trump’s rabid base.  They’re blind to the forest and only see the trees directly in front of them.  This loss of ideology has led to an ineffectual government where corruption (of mind and legislation) is undermining our very foundations while also pushing many to their mental limits.  Some politicians are taking the easy way out and leaving public office, but their current and recent actions will leave us in ruin.  Many others are relying on stale, rote slogans of support for the President that do not make any sense.  

Trump has started a fire.  It smoldered at first, but now burns out of control.  Will we allow this fire to reach the magnitude of destruction that it did in Rome under Nero (who also typified moral degradation, great corruption and extravagance)?  It was Nero who in AD 64 lit his capital on fire for political purposes, but the fire grew out of control and destroyed the vast majority of the city.  He then blamed it on a new “cult” called Christianity and used it launch the Empire’s first persecution of the Christians.  That disaster finally pushed Roman leaders to start working to have him removed, but many historians believe that Nero’s emperorship pushed the Roman Empire onto a new path that ultimately led to its complete collapse.

“Fortune cannot aid those who do nothing.” Sophocles

Is Trump our Nero and will U.S. voters overcome this challenge that has befallen other civilizations before us and put out the fire that is starting to rage, or will the masses remain in this ideological daze long enough to allow him to take down the civilized world before snapping out of it? 

I don’t know the answer, but I’m hopeful and thus, will continue advocating for as many firemen as possible to show up at the polls this November to extinguish this threat to our democracy and provide us with a new birth of moral decency, so that government of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from this earth.


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