By Michael Sito

By Michael Sito

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Making America Great Again at the La Casita Café

Making America Great Again at the La Casita Café

When Tyler Haase entered the La Casita Café his nerves overcame a simmering anger, but he was doing his best to look as calm as a country lake.  It was Sunday morning, just after eleven, and the café was packed.  La Casita was a popular brunch spot and there was a long wait-list with many groups milling around on the sidewalk in front of the place waiting for their name to be called.

Tyler knew this would be the case.  He had been to the café for brunch more than a few times of late.  He usually ordered their pancakes and would lounge about drinking multiple cups of their good coffee.  He had hoped to get there an hour earlier, before the morning rush hit full swing, but little things kept holding him up.  As he made his way through the throng of patrons, he was worried that he wouldn’t be able to find a seat at the counter, which was first come, first served. 

Once he got by the crowd at the door and host station, he couldn’t believe his eyes.  There was one unoccupied seat at an otherwise full breakfast counter, but it had a coat leaning over it.  It was the last seat against the wall on his left.  An uneasy smile broke across his stolid face and he moved toward it.  There were two dark haired women sitting at the counter next to the vacant seat.  As he nestled up behind them, he tapped the closest one on her left shoulder as gently as if he was popping a soap bubble.  She turned around with surprise, as she hadn’t see him approaching.  Her smiling face with the biggest brown eyes he had ever seen looked right into him.  He felt something quiver inside.

“Yes?”  She said.  He was still nervous and his face had a slight sheen of sweat.  She was unexpectedly stunning; it took time for him to overcome her unanticipated beauty.

“Uumm, is this seat free?”  He finally managed to get out.

“Oh, yes, please.  I probably shouldn’t have left my jacket there.”  The girl said as she moved her coat for him.  

“Thanks.”  Tyler said as he slipped off his backpack and put it down between the chair and the counter.  He then slid into the seat.

“The benefits of dining alone- you get to miss the waitlist.”  The girl said cheerfully.

“I guess it’s meant to be.” 

“You’re lucky- we waited thirty minutes before these seats opened up and the waitlist is an hour long.”  She said before turning back to her friend and resuming their conversation.  He couldn’t hear what they were saying, but he didn’t really care to anyway.

The server behind the counter immediately came over once he was seated, “Buenos dias!  Pancakes with well done bacon and a coffee?”  

“Uum, yeah, thanks.”  He recognized the server from his previous visits.  She always seemed too friendly and phony to him.

The server entered the order into the computer and brought him his coffee after a few minutes.  He picked up the mug, closed his eyes and took a deep breath inhaling the fumes.  He kept his eyes closed for a few deep breathes and then slowly opened them only to find the dark haired beauty on his right looking at him again. 

“Smells good doesn’t it?”  She said with a light laugh.  She was mesmerizing- he’d never seen such exotic beauty before. 

“Oh yeah, I like their coffee.” 

“It’s the best in the neighborhood.  I’m already on my third cup.  My friend, Rita, who just went to the washroom, is a real coffee snob.  She always insists that we come here on Sundays.  But I’m not complaining!”  She laughed.

Tyler let out a small laugh too while trying to steady himself.  Girls had always made him nervous, but this one especially so.

“My name is Maria.”  She said offering him her hand.

“Uh, Tyler.”  He replied taking her hand meekly.  

“That’s a nice name.  Where are you from?”


“Michigan’s a big place- what part?”

“Up north, Traverse City.  Do you know Michigan?”
“A little bit- Traverse City, is that near Petoskey?”

“Yeah, it is.”

“I’m sure it’s really beautiful up there.  I’ve always wanted to go to Petoskey and see Hemingway country.  I studied literature and gender studies in college and wrote my thesis on Hemingway’s archetype of the male in society seen through his fiction.  Many of his short stories take place up there.”

“Really?”  Tyler didn’t really understand what she had said about her thesis, but was surprised to hear this nonetheless.  He knew that Hemingway had lived in northern Michigan, but never read the stories.  He also never went to college.  He saw himself as just a typical blue-collar country boy.

“I’ve always wanted to visit, but still haven’t made it.  The nature must be so overpowering and peaceful at the same time.”  Maria said.

“Yes, it is.  It’s the most beautiful place on earth, but it’s hard to find good work there these days.  That’s why I’m here in Chicago now.”  Tyler’s nervousness was fading as Maria’s warmth enveloped him.  She was like a comforting light in the distance on a dark night, something to hold on to.

“I’m afraid good paying work is hard to find anywhere these days.  I have a masters and just had to move because I couldn’t afford my rent.”

“Making friends I see?” Rita interjected as she returned to her seat.  “Hello, I’m Rita.”  She said reaching across Maria and offering her hand to Tyler.

“Tyler, thank you.”  He said looking down as he took her hand into his sweaty one and gave it a very weak shake. 

“Tyler’s from northern Michigan.  Just outside of Hemingway country.”  Maria said as she turned to Rita.  “We were just talking about it.”

Tyler felt the need to move, the walls were closing in on him.  He quickly got up, “I will be right back.  Excuse me.”

He made his way to the bathroom in the back, locked the door and threw some cold water on his face.  He looked at himself in the mirror- You come to this restaurant ten times and no one says a word to you and now today, you’re welcomed by a beautiful Mexican!?  What’s happening?!?!  This cannot be real- He told himself in a panic.

After some minutes, Tyler was making his way back to the counter.  The girls were still there and smiled as he approached. 

“We thought we scared you away!”  Maria said, still smiling at him with her warm eyes.  He smiled back and immediately looked at his seat and backpack.  He was surprised he absentmindedly left it there unattended for so long.  His pancakes were already on the counter waiting.  He sat and drank his coffee greedily while looking at the plate of food.  Relax, breathe, he told himself.   

“Your food just arrived.  Good timing.”  Maria interjected into his thoughts.

“Uh, great, but I’ve got to make a phone call,” He told the girls and quickly made his way through the crowded restaurant and out to the street.  

Once outside, he walked jerkily away from the doorway while pulling out his phone.  His hands were shaking and his heart was racing as he dialed the number.  The last thing he remembered was gasping for a big breath just before he triggered the bomb in his backpack on the floor, next to the beautiful Maria and her friend Rita, having brunch in the bustling La Casita café.


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